Pollution is the presence of contaminants in the environment which causes an adverse change. Pollution is a long standing problem facing our country and the world. Environmental scientists and experts are making several discoveries and new inventions to curb this increasing problem but there is still a long way to go. We too as ordinary citizens have to be vigilant and take steps to ensure a clean and pollution free environment for maintaining good health.

Pollution is basically categorized into 3 types:
  • Noise pollution
  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution.

Of these, air pollution is considered to be more  injurious to health as it pollutes the air we breathe and can cause a lot of health problems.

The main causes of air pollution are
  • Automobiles emanating toxic gases like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and chlorofluorocarbons, etc. into the atmosphere.
  • Factories, industries and power plants emitting out large amount of smoke and other toxic gases into the atmosphere.
  • Tobacco smoke.
  • Smell emanating from unclean buses and other public transport vehicles
  • Crowded public places like bus stands, ticket counters, toilets, etc are also breeding ground of contaminants.
  • Foul smell from stagnant water in roads, and improper drainage system.
  • Dust from buildings that are under construction.
  • Pesticides and insecticides sprayed on crops.
  • Forest fire and burning of other degradable and non-degradable materials. 

The environment and air around us is so polluted that getting a breath of fresh and clean air has become difficult. That is why it is often recommended by doctors to go out for early morning walks in open parks to get fresh air at a time when most factories and industries are closed and vehicles are very few.

But most of us are unaware of the fact that the air inside our homes can also be polluted. According to recent studies, it is found that the air inside our homes in reality can be 5 times more polluted than the outside air. How? It is because there are several materials and products inside our homes which make the indoor air impure.

Some common pollutants inside our homes

  1. Dust - Dust is present in all our homes. It contains small particles like lead, hair, mites, animal dander, virus, bacteria, etc. which can cause allergies and asthma.
  2. Burning of fuels –Several homes in India still rely on burning of coal, wood, dung etc for cooking food. Burning of fuels emit fine particles and carbon monoxide which are injurious to health.
  3. Poor ventilation –Poor ventilation prevents pollutants to escape outside and people are forced to breathe impure air. This leads to a syndrome called the 'sick building syndrome' which can cause headache, dizziness, nausea, and eye, ear and nose irritation.
  4. Smoke- Outside smoke from vehicles enter our homes through open windows and door. They along with smoke coming out of stoves can also cause health problems.
  5. Tobacco smoke –When someone smokes inside the house, the smoke affects not only the person smoking but also people nearby. This is called passive smoking.
  6. Mosquito repellents – These small machines are present inside every home for keeping out the mosquito but they also emit a gas which is injurious to health if sniffed for a long period of time.
  7. Wall Paints- When new paint is drying, it releases VOCs into the air and their concentration in a small room is so high that it can directly cause irritation and other health problems.
  8. Biological pollutants - Pollen from plants, mite, hair from pets, parasites, etc are allergens and can cause allergies, asthma and fever.
  9. Radon- in modern houses having poor ventilation, Radon is naturally emitted from the soil and may cause harm to the dwellers.
  10. Furniture- Furniture made from plywood and particleboard contains formaldehyde which is a Volatile organic compound (VOC) and a known carcinogen. 
  11. Toxic molds- Plumbing leaks and any source of moisture can cause toxic molds on wall and other places which can cause diseases like leukemia, kidney and liver cancers.
  12. Asbestos - Damaged fireproofing, insulation, and acoustic materials can also cause lung and other types of cancers.
  13. Gas stoves and malfunctioning gas appliances- These emit Nitrogen oxide gas which can cause infections in eyes, nose and throat and also respiratory infections in children.
  14. Cleaning products- Most products that we use almost everyday for cleaning our homes also contain chemicals which make the air impure.

Apart from these smell from newly bought objects, adhesives, varnish, pesticides, room fresheners, and dry cleaned clothes, etc - all contain chemicals which make the air impure. And when we are exposed to these air pollutants indoors, the level of contamination is several times more as the pollutants are not able to escape out.

Hence we need to be aware and take steps to make sure that our homes are pure and clean.

Here are some tips to ensure clean air inside our homes

  • Have adequate ventilation. Keep all your windows open. Air should enter and leave freely.

  • Cook in a place where there is adequate ventilation or cook outdoors. If cooking inside, install and use exhaust fans or chimneys. 
  • Always keep your home clean and tidy by vacuuming, sweeping and mopping regularly to keep out particulate matters like dust, lead, etc.

  • Keep your food covered and out of reach of pests. And use non- chemical methods for pest control. 
  • Change and clean bed covers, curtains, mats, etc. regularly as they are the breeding grounds of dust and pollen.

  • Put an end to passive smoking. Ask people who smoke to either stop smoking altogether or go to a Smoking zone.

  • When cleaning up your home, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief to protect from dust.
  • Reduce the use of perfumes, hair sprays, varnishes, etc. as they all contain chemicals which are injurious to the eyes and may cause allergies. Use VOC-free cleaners for cleaning up your home.
  • If you have pets at home, train them to poo in a common place and clean it up immediately. Keep them also clean by regularly bathing them. Also try to keep them away from your beds, carpets, sofas, etc.

  • Repair and replace damaged insulation, fireproofing, and plumbing leaks, etc at once.
  • Lookout for formaldehyde free furniture while buying beds, cabinets, dining tables, etc.

  • In areas where kerosene, dung, wood etc are used for cooking food, steps have to be taken to ask people to start using LPG cylinders and stoves or induction cook tops as they reduce indoor air pollution to a large extent.

  • Use air cleaning house plants like Garden Mum, Spider plant, Aloe Vera, Peace lily, etc. inside your home. These plants not only add beauty to your home and are easy to care but also absorb toxic gases like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, etc making the indoor air clean.
Spider plant

  • Use Royale Atmos for painting your homes. Royale Atmos is a paint that reduces harmful air pollutants and makes the air cleaner. It is equipped with Activated Carbon Technology which reduces the level of formaldehyde in your our homes. It also absorbs foul smell, makes the air fresh, purifies the air and improves the air quality inside our homes. It also makes our homes look great. #Cleanairbeautifulhomes.

Following these small and effective steps would go a long way in cleaning up the air inside our homes to a larger extent and we could protect ourselves from catching infections, diseases and allergies caused by these indoor air pollutants.

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