Frocks are cute little dresses worn by girls. Frocks with a variety of patterns and designs are available in the market. Depending on where the skirt part starts, there are basically three types of frocks.

High yoke frock

High yoke frocks have a high yoke and pleats start from the chest area. They are usually worn by girls up to 4 to 5 years.

Waist fullness

This is a basic type of frock worn by girls of all ages. The pleats start at the waist area and the length of the frock is usually till the knee. Ankle length frocks are also available in the market.

Low waist frock

Low waist frocks have pleats starting at the hip area. The skirt part usually has two or three layers

Stay tuned for the construction and method on stitching these three types of frocks and for more frock patterns.


  1. wow..I love admiring these frocks,Amina..great work :)

  2. Very cute and beautiful frock. Lovely collection.


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