Hi friends, welcome back to my blog. Hope you all are doing good. Today I am sharing a street style recipe of making Chicken fried rice which is flavorful, delicious and will make you and your family asking for more. 

Do try out this recipe of making Chicken fried rice at home and I am sure it will become your weekend special dish. This Chicken fried rice can also be packed in your kids lunch box as it is loaded with veggies, chicken and eggs. If you are giving to kids, chop the vegetables really fine so that kids will not be able to find them in the fried rice 😀

Here I have made street style fried rice using 1/2 kg Basmati rice which serves 4 to 6 people. You can increase or decrease the quantity of ingredients to make Chicken Fried rice for more or less people. 

This street style recipe of making Chicken fried rice uses carrots, beans, cabbage, capsicum and spring onion greens. This fried rice can be served as it is or with Chicken or Gobi Manchurian gravy. 

So lets move on to the recipe of making Street style Chicken Fried rice at home.


To cook the rice 

1 tbsp salt
2 tbsp oil
2 litres water 
1/2 kg Basmati rice/ 4 tea cups

For the fried rice masala

6 tbsp oil
200 gms boneless chicken cut into very small pieces
3 eggs
2 carrots cut into thin slices
12 beans finely sliced
200 gms or 2 cups cabbage 
1 capsicum sliced
1 cup spring onion greens cut into small pieces
2 tbsp finely chopped garlic
1 tbsp salt (or to taste)
1 tbsp vinegar
1 tbsp soya sauce
1 and 1/2 tsp pepper powder  (or to taste)


  • Take a large pan or vessel, add water, salt and oil and close a lid.
  • Switch on the gas and bring the water to a boil.
  • Meanwhile wash Basmati rice with water and let it soak in water.
  • Now when the water in the vessel starts boiling, reduce flame, strain away the water from the Basmati rice and add the rice to the boiling water.
  • Increase the flame to high and cook for 5 to 7 minutes in high flame till the rice is cooked.
  • Strain the water using a strainer and allow the cooked rice to cool down completely.
  • Next heat 2 tbsp oil in a wide thick bottom pan, add whisked eggs and scramble them.
  • Transfer to a plate and set aside.
  • Then heat 4 tbsp oil and garlic and saute for a few seconds.
  • Then add chicken pieces and saute for about 2 minutes.
  • Next add carrots, capsicum and beans and saute in high flame for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Next add cabbage and continue cooking while stirring till the veggies are cooked. Do not add water.
  • Now add the cooked basmati rice and give it a mix.
  • Next add salt, soya sauce, vinegar and pepper powder and mix well.
  • Check for taste and add salt or soya sauce or pepper powder if necessary.
  • Now finally add the scrambled eggs and spring onion greens and give a quick mix.
  • Switch off the gas and transfer the fried rice to a serving bowl.
  • Delicious Chicken fried rice is ready to be served.
  • I served it with Chicken Manchurian gravy. Will be sharing the recipe in my next post.

I hope you liked the recipe and will be trying it out at home. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

This post is a part of #BlogchatterFoodFest hosted by @blogchatter

1 comment:

  1. I love when I can smell the food fest posts. This looks yummy!


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