Hi friends, welcome back to another blog post. Hope you are doing well. I will be discussing an important issue today which is Nutrition in Children, and I will also be sharing 5 Healthy Eating habits that we have to inculcate in our children for their overall growth and development.

The world has become fast-paced and everyone is rushing with their work. Be it going to school, or the office or going out for any other chore, our lives have turned so hectic that we do not give importance to what we eat.

We just eat whatever is easy and quick without paying attention to whether it is healthy or not. This same habit we are passing on to our children. This I think is a big issue which we need to ponder; as the growing years of our kids' lives are the most important years in terms of getting good nutrition. It is during this phase that their bones, muscles and organs are developing. So we need to train them in proper eating habits and introduce them to healthy food and a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy eating habits with Complan- Supporting balanced growth of children

Not giving proper nutrition to kids during their growing years has an unwanted effect on their health. Their overall physical and mental development gets affected which is detrimental to their well-being. To tackle this problem we need to make sure that we include healthy eating habits in our kids.

Kids have become fussy so we have to make sure that we innovate and try new recipes to make healthy food look tasty making it impossible for kids to say 'No'. Also, most kids love eating outside food and fast food when compared to eating home-cooked food and this habit has to be changed for the good as home-cooked food is healthy and has the right amount of taste and nutrients. 

Nutrients like Calcium, Proteins, Iron, vitamin D,  Fibre, and Folate, are very important for physical and mental development in children. Their deficiency may cause several health ailments and diseases in kids. 

For healthy growth in children, proteins are very important. It is present in lentils, nuts, eggs and dairy products. But sometimes, the daily protein requirement of the body is not met. Hence, we have to make sure that their food is well balanced and that they eat enough.

Being a mother of two daughters (one is 10 years old and the other is 2 and 1/2 years old), I try my best to give a nutritious diet to my kids. I include nutrient-rich food, fruits and vegetables in their diet and also reduce excess oil, sugar and salt. I make their plate not only healthy but also tasty. 

By adding colourful veggies & fruits, and making bite-sized foods we can attract younger kids. For older kids, we have to make tasty food. (From experience, I can say older kids are not easily attracted to colourful food. They prefer taste as compared to looks.)

I have also been using Complan for my elder daughter for the past few years. I had seen a lot of improvement in her overall development ever since I made sure that her food was nutritiously adequate. She is more active and feels energized throughout the day. Complan has 100% milk protein and contains 63% more protein than other nutrition drinks. Complan is clinically proven to support  2x growth and it also supports memory and concentration.

Parents, we must take steps to give a balanced diet that is rich in all the required nutrients to our children. Along with this, we should also inculcate healthy eating habits in our kids that will also help as they grow. 

I have listed below 5 Healthy Eating habits that I think we must all inculcate in our children.

1. Firstly we must educate our kids to eat all types of fruits and vegetables. We should not give them a choice but make food look and taste so good in a way that they eat whatever is placed on their plate.

2. Next is making meal times a family time where all members of the family serve and eat together. This way kids will learn healthy eating habits from parents and this will also help in family bonding.

3. Kids should be taught to eat 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks between meals every day depending on their activity level during the day. Along with this, drinking plenty of water throughout the day must be practised. Skipping meals and eating unhealthy snacks have to be avoided completely.

4. Kids should also learn portion control and should be taught to stop when they feel full. For this, we have to avoid any kind of distraction while eating which might make them overeat.

5. Also kids should be taught to value the food they eat. They should be educated about the food chain and how food reaches their plate right from when the farmer plants the crops till it is cooked in their homes. This will make them understand how much effort and hard work has gone in each step, to make the food reach their plate. Knowing this food chain, right from childhood will make them more grateful individuals and prevent them from wasting food.

I hope we teach these healthy eating habits to our kids so that they not only get proper nutrition in their growing-up years but also grow up to become healthy and wise individuals. It is time, we make more informed choices about the food we eat and teach them the importance of healthy eating habits.

Let's together take a pledge and shift to a healthy lifestyle for ourselves and our kids. This might take some time to start, but once we do it regularly, it will become a norm 🙂.

I hope you liked reading this post and found it informative and useful. Do let me know your views on this topic in the comments below. I will be back with another post very soon. Take care, Bye bye!


The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely the blogger. This is a part of the public awareness initiative supported by Complan.

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