Hi all, today I sharing my super quick recipe of French toast. This is an easy breakfast or snack that you can make when you are hungry and do not wish to spend much time in the kitchen.

Making this french toast is super easy and even grown up kids and bachelors can try. I make this French toast during evenings when my daughter returns from school. You can also pack this French toast in your kids tiffin box or carry it when you are going on a picnic.

This recipe of French toast needs just 6 ingredients and tastes soft and yummy. So lets move on to the recipe of making this delicious french toast.


6 slices of bread
1 egg
3 tbsp sugar
1 cup milk
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
Butter or oil for cooking the French toast
Honey for drizzling on top (optional)

  • Take the bread slices and cut each bread slice along the diagonal. You will get 12 triangular bread slices.
  • Next take egg in a wide bowl and whisk till the yolk and whites are well combined.
  • Add sugar and whisk till the sugar dissolves.
  • Then add milk and vanilla essence and mix well.
  • Heat a non stick pan and drizzle butter on it.
  • Dip the bread slices in the egg milk batter one by one and place on the pan.
  • Cook on medium flame. After few seconds turn the bread slices and cook on the other side.
  • Cook the bread slices till you get brownish golden patches on both sides.
  • Transfer to a plate.
  • In the same way cook all the bread slices.
  • Finally drizzle some honey on top and serve warm.

This post is a part of #BlogchatterFoodFest hosted by @blogchatter

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